Change of Use Applications

Use Classes apply to both property and land in England, and the classes upon which they are categorised are decided by the Town and Country Planning Order 1987. The Business and Planning Act 2020 made some significant changes to the categorisation of the Use Classes but most building and land throughout England will fall into a Use Class. To a certain degree, the Use Class determines what a particular property can be used for, such as commercial, retail or residential.

We have experience in processing Change of Use applications, which in some cases can apply to residential properties. Depending on your project, these can be submitted as part of a full planning application for clients who wish to not only undertake work on their house, but sometimes the land surrounding their property too. Common examples of Change of Use applications are the conversion from Agricultural Land to Equestrian, or alternatively converting an old barn to a detached office which resides in the curtilage of your house could mean that a Change of Use Application is needed.

Consultation and Submission of Planning Applications UK

 Consultation and Submission of Planning Applications Lincolnshire
Consultation and Submission of Planning Applications Lincolnshire
Our vast experience in assisting clients with difficult applications often leads to a more positive outcome with a successful planning application.